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  • #137693

    Hey Peter,

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful read on Eyes made for wonder. Truly did remind me a lot of what I was talking about in Caring for the inner child within us all.

    “Open to wonder, you are ready for life’s surprises, even the greatest of all; that it can be all right when everything is wrong.”

    Quoting this portion of Eyes made of Wonder I feel the sense of this can be related with what I’m talking about. Breaking out of our boundaries and exploring life alone gives us more depth and perspective about us. Yet when we have beaten mentally or physically by the world it self we tend to head for cover and stay in this bubble of ours that makes us comfortable. I have a wise mentor who once told me.

    “Don’t ever be comfortable no matter where you are in life.”

    Truly this was a wide awakening for me. More like a slap in the face type of deal. I was blown by what he stated and noticed people around me. This was truly life changing and a wide awakening for me. I started to notice people around me and how comfortable they were by sticking with the same routine and not progressing. Therefore the people around me didn’t have drive or anything to look forward to(Truly they were neglecting or had already fully neglected their inner child). They were comfortable with the ways they lived in by not breaking out of their comfort zone, as this would only cause more pain towards them by thinking of doing something when they haven’t even tried for themselves. Life is more about doing at times. But to make the initial push from my own experiences. The only way to break free is to do something before you think about doing it cause we as people have a tendency for scarring our selves away from new and different things. we do this by using our imaginations and delve into how it might feel before even try whatever that new thing might be.

    Thank you Pete for sharing that wonderful read on Eyes made for wonder. Love the fact that it had brought good memories.

    I apologize for the late reply as well. Thanks again for sharing. Lets keep up the positivity and make this world a better place :).


    Dear seek:

    You wrote: “the dreams we had (as children) must always live on”- I disagree. A very common dream children have is that an unloving parent will love them someday. This dream often survives into adulthood and old age, causing lots and lots of misery and dysfunction to the dreamer. I believe this dream must die.

    You must be referring to a different kind of dreams. What are those dreams that must always live on, for you?


    Hey Anita,

    I apologize if I misunderstood and apologize for the late response.

    We all have our own dreams or child hood fantasies of what we wanted to be as we grew older. Some of us have managed to pursue those dreams and some of us have not. The child within us all is a reminder of pursuing our goals and dreams by not giving up on them. Therefore giving us an uplifting spirit of pursuing those dreams by protecting that inner child within us all. The inner child is innocent but what the child seeks is pure. The dreams I talk about aren’t hate or unloving parents but to give you strength and encouragement of following your dreams and not neglecting your inner child (hope and dreams) as you get older in life.

    “Strive to protect them by doing better and keeping those hopes and dreams alive for them. Never forget that inner child is a reflection of yourself a younger you. Let them remind you that you’re not just doing this for your current self but you’re doing it to protect them.”

    Reason why I quote this portion is to let you know that you’re always striving to do better by being a better you each day. In hope of being a better you will allow you to obtain your hopes and dreams one day.

    The inner child is powerful yet pure. I’ll put it in another way. It’s a tool to let us overcome the fear and stepping out of our boundaries. Instead of staying in our boundaries it allows us to explore and grow by being and doing something we’ve always wanted. Therefore you are constantly driven to wake up every morning and make those dreams and hopes a reality.

    I hope this helps clarify.

    Thanks Anita for taking the time to read. I appreciate your question and I do apologize about replying so late once again.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by seek.

    Sorry, I don’t have any intention to advertise but to share knowledge which I’ve come about acquiring from my own personal experiences.

    I know I’ve been through ups and downs myself and was hoping caring for your inner child (meaning your dream) would show people that it’s important to never let go of your dreams. Even when it’s the case of being struck emotionally by being let down by our falls or by others. The dreams we had must always live on.

    Don’t want to send any wrong messages as that is not my intention. I would like for all of us as a community come together and share our knowledge that helps us get past issues for those of us that are trying to over come.


    Originally I wanted a computer animation path but I ended up in information technology side of things. But mine gets more personal cause my mom was the one who stopped me from that career since she knew individuals that didn’t make much money. I totally understand her concern every parent wants what’s best for their child. So I was disheartened and my dad ended up taking me to a computer store to learn computers at a mom and pop store. I grew my skills from there. I still love drawing etc. But what I’ve learn’t I can always do that on the side.

    In terms of gaining a well paying career here are two things you can do.

    I would say since graphic design certificate is something you’ve acquired keep it since it would be a waste of time and effort if you throw it all away. Find small gigs or businesses that want your artistic skills. Take your photography skills etc and mesh it with your graphics design capabilities in your resume. There are jobs out there where web developers need people with graphic design skills. I’m quite sure you have a open market available as competitive as it might be. I’d say do something you love either on the side and build it up till you’re making enough to make it a full time job.

    Second thing make a list of what you enjoy doing or have a skill set of doing. Now narrow that list down by matching that skill set and list of what you like with different job titles. You might be amazed with what you can relate with in terms of different job titles. Also talk to your counselor at college and share with them that list as an opinion or direction of career they can give you. Also feel free to talk to your teachers and use them as resources for finding jobs or gigs related to graphics design.

    I hope this helps. I do have a specific blog from my article that might help and spark the fire for no matter what you do :).



    I know this struggle as I’m currently in an awkward situation. But at the same time I know I need to move on to another company.

    I’ve just been promoted as of last year. Though the co-worker who originally got me in the job was a very good manager and knew how to manage the show. The current individual who got promoted doesn’t know how to manage and can be a bully at times, it may feel this way but after observing I understand the stress he goes through as this a small group I’m with. Though majority of the burden lays on him. I know he can’t show me all the day to day routines and how to process certain things.

    But there are times where the new manager has time to coach but is busy instead dwindling and laughing away at silly stuff on the internet, instead of grooming his staff. When you see an environment where people show they are extremely comfortable where they are it’s time to move immediately. Never be comfortable where you are cause you never know when you might loose that job. This was a key lesson I learn’t from my previous colleague/manager before he left. He took me to the side and said remember never be comfortable where you are. Those were the best words of wisdom anyone has given me. Never stick to a place for too long. At max stay for 5 years and jump ship. There’s nothing wrong in jumping ship when you see things aren’t working out for you. I know I don’t like to be selfish but this is your career and life make sure not to live in a ditch and know that you come first.

    If people around you aren’t providing positive energy it’s time to move on because you’ll always remain miserable. But make sure you evaluate your self to make sure it’s not you. Because if you haven’t picked up on skills that you need then it might be time to hit the books and acquire those skills before jumping ship.

    Yes, there are jobs people get they enjoy. Maybe you’re not in the industry you like, therefore the tasks at hand makes it difficult to enjoy. But if that’s the case I recommend doing something you do enjoy while you do your day to day job. Once your side job takes off you can pursue it as a full time. There will always be something or some individuals you won’t get along with. But the reality is you shouldn’t be miserable. Remember this is your world you’re in control of the outcome and the choices you make are the ones you will live with in the end. I hope this helps.

    I do have a article you should check out from my blog. I hope it helps guide you. Please feel free to ask questions :).

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