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March 12, 2014 at 5:44 am #52688
Participanti remember it well, it Xmas and i was 5.
Mum and Dad were at boiling point 99% of the time. he was a drunk who had no respect for my mum, when he was not playing away. which was not often.
Mum was trying to hold the family together!My Aunti bought me a small cassett player and a tape of 1980 classic hits.
I still know all the words to every song on that tape. It was an escape. i am flighting back the tears now remembering putting my ear so close i couldn’t hear the flighting……
go forward 10 years and my whole life was changed by the illigal rave scene. it was the “brotherhood” i was looking for and the drugs were pretty good at helping me escape too. or so i thought.
go forward 10 years and i am in my mid 20’s. i needed to remove myself from the dance music scene as i was taking to many of those good drugs for them to be good anymore. i set up my own studio. i spent the next 5 years in my loft making music. mainly stuff to get things out of my head. it was wonderfull.
go foward 10 years. i now have a great partner and a lovely little boy. our whole life is centred around music. not in a profesional way but socially. we have music playing most of the time in our house and i still have a small studio to disapear to when i need some “me” time. oh and i would argue our 2 year old is the best dancer in the world !!!!! 🙂
music is very very powerful….
my favorite song if i had to choose 1. fools gold (the stone roses)
the pack on my back is aching
the straps seem to cut me like a knife…..
the gold road sure is a long road
windes on through the hills for 15days……
i’m no clown i won;t back down, i don’t need you to tell me whats going down.
down down down down down
fooooooools gold !i remember it everytime i am working too hard and need some family time. music still moves me as much as it did when i was 5. i just don’t need to put my head to the speakers anymore… (sic)
March 6, 2014 at 5:48 am #52373Tim
Participantjust a few questions to asnwer yourself for yourself.
How much time did you spend watching TV last week ?
How much time did you spend doing something new giving yourself a chance to grow a new passion?if you don’t know the asnwer then measure your week next week.
i am guessing the ballance is the wrong way around.
good luck and remember life is much better in real time than via FFT.
March 6, 2014 at 4:08 am #52372Tim
ParticipantThis sounds like me last year, I was that bad i quit my job and sat at home doing nothing…. it did me no good but I had no energy at all…. you get to that point where you can’t even remember the last you had a smile on your face let alone when you last laughed… its no fun at all so I feel for your current position ! but… and this is very important…. realise it is just that, a current position. it will change and you have the power to change it !!!!
I was given pills by my doctor and i tried them for 2 weeks. i became a lot worse. to the point where i was snapping at people i loved and becomming somebody i hated. its very unpleasant and at the time i thought it would never end.
How i got myself out of it was to focus on Nature and helping others.
I went for a walk everyday. no matter if it was the worst weather known to man, i still went for a walk. some days i walked 2 miles. once i did 18. (with my 9 month old son on my back which was a little silly but thats what i needed that day.) I have kept this up even now i am back at work. sometimes i walk in the park at 10pm. nobody is there appart from me and the ducks. The tv / internet / radio / etc… they do not work for me. i need to feel alive, funny thing is, those days I don’t want to go out as the weather is so bad, they are the days i now feel most alive. It keeps me intune with nature whilst getting gentle exersize. i will do this for the rest of my life !!!
i also had a friend who was suffering bad with family life. his mum and dad died within a year of each other and it hit him bad. quite a few days i walked to his house. (7miles) did nothing more than had acup of tea with him and a chat, then walked home. it gave him something to look forward to as he was home alone and it ticked both my boxes… win win !!!
both helping others and exersize outside probably seem like non important side issues to you right now. maybe they are. but maybe there are 1 or 2 little things that you can tweek in your life to help you get back on track. its probably nothing too great and it will probably feel at first like its making no difference……… just try it though, you never know untill you do.
oh… and i just quit another job as i am starting to feel the same…. where are those walking boots again ????
December 19, 2013 at 1:30 am #47003Tim
ParticipantHi Jamie,
Earlier this year I was in real trouble, work was dragging me down so much that my whole life fell apart. family life became really difficult as I wasn’t happy at home due to the stress of work. I had a month off and the doctors prescribed me drugs to help with the depression. After 1 week of taking the pills I threw them away and left my job. I embarked on a 3 month period of reflection and tried to understand why everything had gone sooooo wrong. Eventually finances made me take a job again.Now, looking at your story, your life is in a very good position. You are happy in your family life, and really, that’s what is important!
Think about this. If you do nothing, how long before your home life starts to really suffer?
We all have a right to be happy, a right to be respected and trusted also. Why should you put up with anything less? You deserve better!
Just because you want to be happy at home doesn’t mean you should balance the situation by being un-happy at work.Me… now??? I work 400miles away and travel each way weekly. I spend the weekend with my family and then go away to be happy at work. So yes, life is a compromise but I do not compromise my state of mind….that is unconditional!
just one other thing…. when I left the last job, lots of people came up to me and said “we are sorry to see you go, you were a breath of fresh air around here”……………. maybe, just maybe if you stick your head above the pit in your current role and challenge the status quo, you may find people follow you and become passionate about their jobs once again? Just a thought……
Whatever you decide to do I wish you well.
TimDecember 2, 2013 at 8:51 am #46076Tim
Participantjust a thought….
communication, communication, communication….. However it’s what you communicate that is important.
are you communicating that you are here just to serve him ? (maybe ?)
Most men like confident, self respecting partners….. Are you just serving him… in fact others in general ?? (ie miss fixit ?) instead of doing things for you?
Just a thought…. next time something is expected of you. nothing important obviously. Just don’t do it. comminicate it first, make sure you both know that you can’t do “X” bacuse you are taking that time back for yourself. go to a spar, have a weekend away with the girls, go and take a trip to your friends and go for longer than usual..go for a 20mile walk………. whatever it is, do something for you at a point where you normally do something for him. Do this with love for yourself rather than to spite him. (hence the communication prior to it happening)
Over a period of time there are 2 probable outcomes from this path…….
1st/ he will love the new self respecting you and will drop everything to be with you (remember to him it now looks like you “don’t need him”)
2nd/ he will fight it, start to try and control you and stop you doing things for you… at that point you know what your next move has to be. However at least you will be prepaired for it as you will have spent your time building up your self repect…..
as i say, just a thought….
TJNovember 21, 2013 at 5:32 am #45576Tim
this is a very personal decision to make but i will share with you my experience.
earier this year I was in a bad way. I won’t go into details as its quite long but we lost our second child. my life was upside down !!!!every single professional told me the best way to deal with this was drugs. I tried them for 2 weeks. felt like a zombi and threw then all away. i then looked for an alternative.
I now go walking every sinle day, no matter what the weather, no matter how busy I am. I walk….. sometimes I walk and walk and feel a little “forest gump”. most days i walk for an hour. some days only 10 mins. however its always with nature and always by myself (sometimes with my dogs). such a simple step that anybody can do it. I think the gym or any exhausting exersize does not have the same effect. I have time to think whilst walking and I also have time to take in what is around me. (ok so currently its dark and 2 degrees but in an odd way that actually helps too) the main thing for me was to get off that sofa…. i was the same, it was my best and worst friend all at the same time…
maybe think of a small step you can take to add some gentle exersize to your life where you too can enjoy the outside world and get off that sofa.
as for if the drugs are right or wrong. for me they were no good. for others they seem to work. for me they just masked over the issue. For some it helps bring the issue out. you must make this choice…. listen to the docs but make your own mind up… .]
good luck and remember it will get easier !
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