Forum Replies Created
Vironika Tugaleva
ParticipantDear Wilson,
We are not hurt by making mistakes. We are hurt by knowing we knew better.
Your inner voice speaks to you in quiet, calm emotions. That is what wisdom is like. It doesn’t raise its voice. It makes its case calmly.
Your mind will scream and yell and shout. It might drown that wisdom out.
Learn to listen to the part of you that doesn’t raise its voice. That is the part of you that always knows better.
Vironika Tugaleva
ParticipantDear Becky,
It seems like you are in the process of learning something important.
You are not your body.
You will never die.
If you want to experience yourself, truly, go into nature. Notice how the dead branches lie peacefully on the ground amongst the growing grass and plants. Notice how there is no resistance against death or decay. All that is alive and dead co-exists, working together.
Another way I can explain it is this… Let’s say you have a seed in one hand and a shovel in the other. You’re standing over a patch of dirt and you’re about to put the seed underground. The spot you’ve chosen is in such a place that it receives the right amount of sunlight and rain for the seed to grow, one day, into a tree. So, where does life begin? Does it begin when you put the seed underground? Or what about when the seed splits and the sprouts come out? (At this point, there is no trace of the original seed left anymore). Or what about when the sprout comes above the ground?
Or did life start when you first got the thought in your head that said “Hey! I should plant a seed today.”
Life cannot be schismed across location or time.
And neither can you.
This body you’ve got, fully equipped with a mind and emotions, it’s just a temporary form. It’s your creation, your art, and your exploration. It is not your true identity.
You are much, much more than that.
With love,
Vironika Tugaleva
Vironika Tugaleva
ParticipantDear Sage,
We do not dream about specific situations. We dream, really, about specific feelings. We dream of being someone or other because we imagine (from television, usually) that this is how we get that feeling.
You became a massage therapist for a reason. Perhaps the same reason you wanted to be a singer.
It sounds to me like you want to help people, to inspire them, and to make a big difference in their lives. That is not a matter of choosing a specific profession, but firstly – deciding what you have to give. What do you have to offer people that could really, truly inspire them?
You know the answer.
You really do.
With love,
Vironika Tugaleva
ParticipantDear Kevin,
I speak from experience when I say that – once we find a way to get peace without buying or stealing it, we use it.
Once a cocaine addict finds a way to feel that exhilaration without drugs, he never goes back. Marathon runners do not pick up meth. Skydivers don’t break into banks.
We all have emotional needs. One of those needs is a feeling of interconnection to everything around us. If we can only have that feeling in a chemical haze or in a dangerous self-destructive phase, that is where we will go.
Your external circumstances are caused by your behaviours. Your behaviours are caused by your emotions. Your emotions are caused by your quality of thought.
What feelings are you trying to get with the behaviours that have led you here? Do you believe this is the only way to get those feelings?
I also speak from experience when I know that rock bottom is the best place to sit and think. It is a great place to build a healthy mindset.
Sending you love and peace,
Vironika Tugaleva
ParticipantDear Jack,
The most important part is the willingness to ask. One of my favourite quotes is “Confusion is the beginning of wisdom.” You are on the right path.
There is a difference between self-discovery and self-creation. This is, I think, where you are stuck.
Self-discovery is the process of finding your inner power. It is not finding the part of you that is different from others. It is not finding whether you are an astronaut, police officer, etc. It is finding the part of you that is exactly the same as everyone else. Within you, there is a boundless potential, an infinite source of energy. With that, you could become an award winning pianist or a marathon runner or the president or anything you want. You must find this energy before you create yourself.
Some call this process “inspiration” – a word that comes from the latin “Spiro” which means spirit. Self-discovery is finding your most powerful state.
Then, in that state, you can do anything. Anyone who has ever done something amazing has simply made a choice. And don’t worry, Einstein didn’t fulfill his full potential and you can’t either. Your inner potential (that part you discover) is too large to be fulfilled. No one can fulfill it. And it’s a good thing – because then we all have the energy to do ANYTHING we want.
Before you decide what you will create, bring yourself to life. Pay attention to your emotions and your thoughts. Go towards activities and people that make you feel powerful and present. In that state, dream. Dream big.
In those dreams, you will find some ideas for what you want to create.
I hope that is helpful, my friend.
With love,
Vironika Tugaleva