Forum Replies Created
October 27, 2017 at 7:46 am #175171
ParticipantI guess home is just a place where you feel safe, it doesnt have to be a set memory from childhood. I used to get really jealous of friends who had the whole stable to parent upbringing, but to be honest everyones got issues … you just dont see them. I’ve met people who seem to have everything, but infact have nothing as they arent happy. Its how we frame it all … what advice would you give to the 10 year old you? I sometimes use this as a way to be kinder to myself.
I will keep posting and let you know how I get on. I usually post a lot of book quotes and self help pieces on instagram – just_mike.
Its nice just to talk to people about things. Knowing you’re not alone is such a powerful force.
October 26, 2017 at 7:59 am #174995Michael
ParticipantHi Eliana … thank you so much for sharing your background with me.
How are things with you now?
The moving around was a huge problem, even when I recently bought my first home, I noticed that in 5 years I had stayed at 8 different addresses, across London and Glasgow. Especially when I stayed in London, I was able to put all my stuff in a box.
That along with my history of moving as a kid meant staying in one place and being present in the moment was not the NORM. I felt like I was dying if I stayed anywhere longer than a few years, even with jobs. In my head it was just saying Runnnn! My Aunt helped me with the deposit to my property and she kept telling me I needed a safe base. I knew myself I couldnt keep running.
Secondly, I never believed in marriage for a long time as I saw how unhappy my Mum was in various relationships. I promised myself I would never end up like that. It wasn’t until I saw two of my close friends get married where I was like that was beautiful. I’ve come to accept to relationships aren’t perfect, they constantly need looked after, much like a delicate flower … and they will only grow if and flourish if you give it the right love and attention. Even up to the start of this year, I was so unhappy … I struggled to eat properly, wash myself and even look after my home … the small things. It was always easier to blame the relationship with my ex as she was closest to me, or to blame my job for how I felt. Just taking time to take stock and see where the thoughts come from and having that awareness of the triggers helps me. I’ve got a little ragdoll kitten called Ivor Lebowski who I love dearly, he always needs cared for so I know I owe it to him to get my $hit together so to speak.
Its hard, and not everyone understands … just realizing you’re not broken is a big help too. I was at the buddhist centre here … and the speaker mentioned something that really hit home with me, she said where has worrying ever benefited you, you are worth the World as you are right now. I could feel light in my heart, for the very first time in many many years I felt whole. I felt happy.
I’m trying to stretch that feeling out so it gets longer and longer, day by day. It takes practice. I need to let go of my past mistakes and decisions. It hurts me how not only have I treated others but how I treated myself.
October 26, 2017 at 3:36 am #174943Michael
ParticipantThank you both for taking the time to reply … i’m very grateful.
I’ve never really spoke about all of this before, but touched on the porn addiction to my therapist and a couple of friends.
I think in order to deal with these, I need to just keep whats important to me at the forefront of my mind. i’m 34,not a child anymore … and that its ok to sit with the pain. I don’t have to hide anymore. More importantly, I need to forgive and let go of the past … and just enjoy each day.
Before the start of my ‘spiritual awakening’ this year, I lived my life in a state where I would have been quite happy to watch the World burn down around me. Just a cycle of anger, hatred and blame … I was never good enough. I would walk around most days on the verge of tears. Those habits were the only thing that helped to ease the pain.
I still have days where I will watch Porn, but then I say to myself is this what I want and I say no and stop, i’ve relapsed twice going to see Escorts since I broke up with my ex … Which is a significant improvement from where I was, it got out of control. Anytime I felt lonely or sad … I felt like I needed that company. Now I have the strength to tell myself no … you’ve come to far.
A very good friend of mine at work said something wonderful to me … I was talking about past events, as recently my Grandmother was unwell, and she is the last person who I hold closely to me as she raised me … I talked about being alone. My friend said, Michael … you’re not alone. It was such a powerful moment for me. I’ve felt alone for so long, and i’m not.
I need to love who I am, and be more present. I’m going to write those stages of forgiveness down in my journal. I like to keep pow wow statements in there to help me on bad days.
I need to forgive. I think thats a good thing as it shows i’m a good person.
October 25, 2017 at 11:11 am #174851Michael
ParticipantThank you so much Anita.
You’re correct with what you say … efforts to not feel pain are incongruent with my values.
I was reading your reply and your take on my Mum, I never ever thought about it like that … it feels so accurate.
Even for me to face porn addiction was huge, like any addiction its not something that you tend to talk about openly … taboo subject. Looking at females as sexual objects, and using sex as a way to avoid pain is vicious.
I’ve got a lot to offer someone, i’m a Cat Dad too 🙂 … I was determined that after breaking up with my ex GF that I wasn’t going to let this ruin my life anymore. I was going to face the pain head on, and even when I meditate using guided meditations I can sit with my feelings and just allow them to wash over me. Society just expects you to deal with grief and get on with things, especially when working in London, you can’t show any weakness. The only person I could really talk to about my feelings was my Aunt who died last year as she was a psychiatrist … so she could pull me out of my head.
I have good days and bad days, but more good now. I try to choose love over fear each day … but I find that if I drink or do drugs on a weekend I fall back a little emotionally. I only tend to have a wild night once every few months, but it does set me back even at that … i’m trying to say yes to more things to get new experiences, where as before I had crazy anxiety levels. Self worth was so low, and I felt like I was the ugliest person in the World … trying to be kinder to who I am. As long as I stay true to my values I will be ok. trying to deal with the shame of past mistakes … I can’t let them govern how my life will be moving forward.
You meet someone who thinks you don’t care for them at all, but you actually loved them more than anything but you are so wrapped up in yourself and just trying to survive on an emotional level. fight or flight mode.
September 26, 2017 at 6:39 am #170309Michael
ParticipantHey Dee,
You just need to focus on you and your own growth, what will be will be. I have commitment-phobia, and I sabotage relationships … Male 34 and i’ve had 4 relationships, with only 1 being serious i.e greater than one year. I’m in a situation that is similar, I was in a relationship for just under a year to a very loving girlfriend, but during that year, I lost a family member who was like a mum to me to cancer. I thought talking to other strangers online would make me feel better, and I thought pushing the GF away and creating drama by talking to others was what I really wanted. I was unhappy. I blamed the relationship, but it was nothing to do with it … it was all me. Since I broke up with my ex in February this year, i’ve missed her terribly … but all I can do is try and make sure that I don’t make the same mistakes. I’ve been going to therapy for grief, and also reading tonnes of books to try become more aware of my own thoughts and emotional triggers. This book is a fantastic read:
You need to focus on you, get out of your comfort zone and believe youre the biggest bada$$ on the planet. I pretend i’m a model for ralph lauren and a multi millionaire, fake it till you make it.