Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Anita,
Did you had this definition ready or you just came out with it, I can not find a better way to put it!
Just describing redemption as a gift is phenomenal, as an unconditional state of mindset.
If I can imagine this state of mindset in a physical manner, it would be some thing like a Lego set.
Then you put the pieces together to form a shape, one can use it to build a car and another would use it to build a plane. And at some moment this toy could fall into pieces. I guess what am trying to say that forgiveness is a process building a bridge between 2 persons that would need constant maintenance from both sides.“Being honest about his motivation and the abuse done” I guess that is the most critical point in redemption that an abused person can not ask for, if you can describe forgiveness as a gift, I can say that this is the gift card.
And the normal way is that you get in the gift shop and present your gift card to get your gift. It cannot go the other way around.
I guess it is just human nature, the tendency to forgive, and without these steps the forgiveness is just fake, it is just a paper bridge that fall by a small breath of air.
And till that you just need to step back and give the other side space to figure it out him self, or it will never be.
I feel I was judgemental/provocative in my before messages, and I apologies for that, but it was just a step leading us to our current state.
Correct me if am wrong?
ParticipantAnd I’ll be expecting it any time soon, Anita!
I promise you I’ll be more attentive in the future to what am posting here and what I want form it. Either this or that.
But if you still have anything that you wonder in these before messages please go ahead and ask, I can not leave you with the wrong message here!
Believe me for people with bipolar disorder it is not that easy at all, some times you are too overwhelmed with thoughts that you actually are thinking of nothing, it is like a beehive in your head, I can not find someone who had been able to explain how the mind of a person suffering of bipolar disorder other than Marya Hornbacher and he Times bestseller book “Madness:a bipolar life”, I really thought I was never gonna find someone who could put it as simple as he, You can check her book intro, it’s free on Google books, and it can give you a glimpse.
What if I told that my mom her self suffered from child abuse, domestic abuse, and she was a working women, who bared all that and still stayed married to our dad just for our sake, I really believe she also abused her self there.
What if I told you that my dad was an orphan who had to work summers since he was 8 to cover his expenses and education, a war veteran and an advocate, and kept working till he got his brain stroke.
What if I told you, that my dad was the best friend of my uncle, who is my mothers brother, and that he had spent most of his childhood in that home full of domestic abuse.
What if, and what if, people are not born abusers they are raised like one, and yet we have the advantages of our generation and knowledge to face our pain. They lived in the dark ages when the radio was a mesmerizing invention!
If you want to know some one, you have to know where is he coming from, not where he went?!Ahmed
ParticipantHi Anita,
Am too here feeling relief, I just made a new post specially for you called how does your mind work? In it I explain how I imagin my mind work, may be if you read it you can understand me better, and please share the same with me.
Am sorry if I presumed that, about no body deserve to die, it just feels that you are being hard on your self, I have no right to say it, but I feel compelled to. Please bare with me here, you were presented with adioema, of choosing one of the two worse out comes, it is either living with physical trauma from being hit by a car, or the emotional trauma of hitting some one by the car. It’s like comparing between being physically paralyzed or mentally challenged. This is just a thrioritical excercise, why did you feel that you have to include your child abuse experience to deal with it? And pardon me for asking, you have all the right not to answer and forget all about it 🙂
I did not mean life in the wide meaning, I Kent oneself life the state of being alive, I a sence that a certain society should learn to value others and there life and there state of being alive, and if you did not respect the life of others you should be punched with death penalty so that the society would learn the value of some one being alive, the value of the soul, the body, the blood.
The value of life in general is just a state of accommodation that is set by the society, the society can set the value of life in caring for animals or the right of some one to express his words, and this sourly includes child abuse as the primary target as these children are the only ones who will be able to keep the values that so,e Scotty set.
With out both concepts we can not live, but with out the first concept we will perish.
Theoretically, can I ask you what act of redemption might an abuser perform in order to be forgiven by his abuser?
I really admire your Openss to be ideas!
ParticipantHi Anita,
I know that I tend to jump through my thoughts that other would have difficulty understanding me, and some times I can not focus my thoughts, please pardon me, also am writing on iPad here as my laptop is in repair so please bare with me it is not that easy. I tend to just thread my thoughts, and I know it jumps all over, but it easier for me like that.
In that part about, “What would drive someone……” I agreed with you that the abused child tends not to say he/she was abused as a lake of trust, but I have just added to this conclusion that the abused child would associate the idea of him being beaten with the idea that he did some great mistake that he should be ashamed of and not mention it, and even if he wants to mention the abuse he is afraid that he will be beaten again by the person he is telling because that person would know what great mistake he did! And my very long story was about that, about when the teacher hit me and I did not tell my mom, other than it had too many diversions within that if removed would not have affected the frame of story.
I know am hard to follow, I myself face the Same dilemma with my mind, some times the thoughts are too fast for me to follow rather than expressing them, and other times am trying to write too fast to catch all of them, and when am writing stories about my childhood I tend not to read them before sending, because I know then I’ll face the burden of retacking them in and I have just let them out, I just can not read my own story, it is sad!
I have just read this post in one child abuse web site, it is that when you send your message out, you are sending to relief yourself from the burden you are carrying, and not for the sake of someone answering you, it tends to be less stressful if you did not expect an answer or you receive what you did not expect. Am sorry if I was taken by that idea to that extent. But having a loyal partner like you here, I promise you I’ll be more focused on the idea am presenting.
You understand very well, I tend to be confusing, I guess my grammar is like Yoda form star wars 🙂
ParticipantHi Anita,
I understand and respect your clarification a lot, I have have one here too, first; I believe that there are not 2 persons on earth who can be similar in every aspect, who can agree with each other all the way, and even if you think you found that person someday you will find that thing that annoys you about him, and it is up to you to decide if you accept it or not, second; it is from our differences and disagreements that we learn, how would be like know if 100 years ago humankind just agreed on every thing and just enjoyed themselves, it is from our difference that we drew our strength and I think am outing Obama here!?
It was that post when that guy asked who would you preference to be the victim or the driver in a car accident, and here am using my memory, I just could not find that post again, they are too much, and correct me if I misunderstood. You mentioned that you would prefer that this victim would dye if he was a child abuser, and this just did not feel right for me, in my opinion no one deserves to die for a mistake he made, first; you denayal that person the chance of Redeeming himself, imagin if that abuser that had died would some day relise what he did wrong and just said sorry for the one he abused and asked for forgiveness, even if that abused child did not accept it, at least he will learn that there is a path for forgiveness, and what might that had brought to his life! Second; I believe that someone should deserve the punishment of death if and only if , he intentionally planned to kill some one and killed him, and that’s not just for the sake of punishment to be equal as the wrong made, but only to raise the meaning of life and the value of humankind. I hope I had put it right here?! and I add here, that my statement then was kinda provocative to see if you would accept if a disagreed with you, and for you to keep talking, and please pardon me I just sometime cannot resist mind games 😉
I totally disagree, they are different, I agree that anger could turn to hate but that is only if you do not deal with your anger, that’s my opinion, I thought of sending you a link describing the diference between but you can just search google for hate vs anger, and here I quote the first line I just saw, and believe me I did not search it before ever, – hate and anger may seem to appear similar but actually they are not-
I think deep anger is not enough for hate coz hate and love are related to desire, and anger is just a state of mind tolerance for stress!You can check it and tell what you think, and if you feel it, you can make a new post called hate vs anger, we could have a fruitful debate about it here?!
Again I would like to say that I enjoy our discussion and looking forward for more.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I really cannot remember when I mentioned that point, of accepting the abuse, intentionally ar I was an unconscious question that came out, and I needed an answer to, which is resembling this scenario, I was in 4th grade, and here in our country we study religion at school, an since majority are Muslims and Christians are minority, the Christian kids were usually picked up with a creation teatcher to teach them about Christianity, I used to wonder how these kids felt in that walk of shame, how are you forced to be kicked out of your class coz you are a minorty, and by the way we recently had an Arabic movie that addressed this issue, it is a great movie and it felt great that someone thougt about and act upon it! Any ways, Our school during that period had an issue of space, and there were a room at the end of our 4th grade class, that was originally used as a storage area for furniture, and most of the Christians were been brought to that room, and I see the walk of shame of coming in, so that day bothe thatchers were late, our 4th grader and the Christians teacher, I heard a fuss at the end of the class, and when I went there I sow a cople of kids from my class standing by the door and the Christian kids inside the room, and between them a pile of school bags and they were playing war, it sounded fun then, but actually thinking about it now it feels very racist not the kids action but the idea of a group of Muslim kids playing war against a group of Christian kids, I was just watching them smiling, one kid inside the room had this pice of wood shaped like a machine gun, and I was just crazy how he came out with that idea, and this is just me being crafty as usual, I used to build some of my toys, he used a part of a broken kindergarten chair, I just felt like needing a that toy, so I waited till recess and when the class room was clear, I went in that room looking for a similar pice of wood, but I could not find any where, so me being crafty I decided to used one of the chairs piled up in that room like trash to make one, and just when I took a chair and placed it in the middle of the room and while I was kicking the leg of I heard a scream that relent me speechless, just this face full of makeup with a big mouth opening and screaming the most negative things you can say to a child, he just psychologically analyzed me in that single moment, she did not ask, or question, she was just stating all the psychological disdvantages you can describe a kid with, and she just slapped me on the face, surely I screamed, and cried but I just can not remember what happened next, am sitting with this since teacher, who by the way called her kid she was pergranent with at the moment after my name, I used to like her before that day, she was marking some note books, and started ask me about home, my mom my dad, he was abroad at the period, and just when it sad that it was as if she found a treasure, that’s the reason you ar acting strange, she did not even ask my why I did that, no body did, so they gave me a parental notice to bring my mom to school tomorrow, when I went home I came to my moms room and she was facing the wardrobe and I came from behind, I said mom and gave her the mathematics note book, we had a quiz that day and I had a full mark and a star, she greated me and gave me back the note book, I then Said mom again and gave her the notice, she asked me what’s that, I told her I do not know. The next day at school, by the he’d master door, I was sanding, inside my mom and some teachers, I heard mumbling and she cameout with victory face and only one question, why did not you tell me that teacher hit you? I said I do not know, that what I used to say when I was afraid, I learned it was better to ack dump than to bare the consequences, and that’s it, I never knew what happened in that room, and know I realize that I did not tell my mom that I was hit by that sister coz I was just afraid that this would get me more trouble, we learned that when we get hit that we did a terrible shameful thing to deserve it and even my mom did not ask me what actually happened, no body knows that I was just making a toy gun to play like others!
That’s why usually an abuser does not have a memory of abusing someone decades before, they Supress thy memory so hard than it becomes repressed, or just they can not countioanly associate it, specially in prenatal sexual abuse, thy just cannot handle the thought that they can not believe it happened, I watched once a parent on TV crying when his doughters said that he sexually abused her, the man just said I do not know, I cannot say I did it or not, and when the reporter asked him do you think you doughters said that out of revenge or to cover a premarital sex, he said my daughter won’t do that, it is a self defense mechanism and could b related to dissociative disorders, am not an expert yet :p
It’s some thing like you have this big Clint meeting tom, and you stay up preparing your presentation, and if you know that client in a way, you can expect what would be his questions and and preparing for them, for me when something is controlling most of m thoughts, and it is related to some one, i just imagin us having that conversation, in different scenarios and expect their responses. So know see your self as the client, and you have this company pitching you their new ideas, and this is the 5th meeting with a company with the same pitch, I that client had the same expands with the 5th company which was the same as the last 4, and hen he asked the questions that drove him to ignore that 4 old companies, and came out with the same answers that he did no like before, he would get frustrated, and might not consider the project as a whole, it is just so frustration than when you expect some one to answer you negatively and he really does?!
I did not mean fighting the abuse, I meant an internal fight, I have made some great stuff and I destroyed them, I had jobs that I wanted but could not keep, due to depression, see, I have changed four totally carriers, each took at least couple of years, I have held 5 jobs that I have reached high level in each of, and left due to depression, I was engaged three times and also each at least he’ll a couple of years, it is not that I regret it, not at all, it is just watching what you have been building something for a while and watch it disappear in front your eyes, and restart all over again from scratch in a deferent Carrier was very hard, and not that I regret it, I can say I now about event organization, international trade, medical equipment, IT, and quality control. Which I guess no one with less than 12 years experience can say that, and I had some long off periods in between coz I felt I need to, or to,depressed to work! You tell me whch kind is this?
Regarding abuse, I guess I was assertive about since I was in second or third grade, I was just then that I have strictly refused any of my parents help with my studies, I just said I do not need your help any more, it might have been that their abusive attitude could have affected my learning, and I just can not learn something without enjoying it, I used to here this one tape over and over again for one whole year during high school, I had trouble to concentrate, so i needed a familiar voice saying the words that I have memorized by heart, to be able to concentrate. I have a lot of examinations and experiments with concentration!
I said I need to fight to not view my self as a victim, if your consider your self a victim of someone or something you will have all the reasonable and logic views for doing nothing the rest of your life from that prospective.
But seeing your self as a suvivor, empowers you to challenge your self more, to do more great stuff.Am the one who is glad that you have lightened such a tough night, see, I did not sleep since yesterday, am used to sleep deprevetion, actually I used it some times as an approach against depression, and it is a scientific approach but yet debatable.
So thank you, Cya,
ParticipantDo you know what heart the most, that even after you get beat, they do not leave you alone either, they just want to you recover from it as if nothing happened, they just want to forget this happened, and you have to act natural for them so they can overcome it, they do not even give you the space to grief, they would send for a family member to help you get out of it, they can not even handle what they did to you, they live in denial, they would get you a gift or money to make you happy, it is you award to accept the betting, as if you did something good, are not you hurt enough that they would show it to other people, it’s like when you visit your grandmother, can you imagine being woken up on day by the sting of the lashes of a belt on your body, or you just raise your had to answer and you just heat of a slipper on your face! The beating did not hurt that much, the humiliation of that you can not keep it to your self, they just have to get every body involved in it!
One weird thought I just got, Why is it very frustrating that when you imagin a conversation with someone and their reply is the same negative reply you expected, and you were really fast on your more negative reply that you had uncountiously reply the same more negative reply that you had thought about but you thought you were better to say it.
Some times I hate being smart and and know the negative stuff others gonna say and they just say it, and when you say it out loud why do I have to get that angry so you would even consider, and you get that reply this is life, you have to fight for it even if it is already yours, you are in a constant fight with your self to control your anger, and people would tell you you won’t get any thing unless you fight for it and express your anger, and at the end and even if you reach what was ours, you already hate it, you hate the feeling that you have to heart other to get your own righteous need. It is just crazy, how we only have the concept of tolerating and not the concept countenance, that the sence feeling is no more, and the feeling of anger is therefore! I guess that’s how bipolar disorder, you cannot reach a normal level of expression! But if you are the one who is wondering all that you can not even know what is it you are feeling, or why you are feeling it to fix the reason of feeling it, triggers every where, you even get mad at your self that got mad for a silly reason.I know that some times I am very excited and other am vey depressive, and other am feeling both at the same time, but what greater fight than fighting your own self, what greater purpose that you just feel you have too keep going, however you are feeling, what greater desire that you need to feel relaxed, I have been fighting with my self for decades and I’ll keep doing till I die, I have no other choice I cannot be a victim!
ParticipantHi again Anita,
I glade too that I posted here, and I have to thank Lori for that, she was the one who directed me here, again thank you Lori 🙂
The name of this post I drove from one quote I read and am bad with names so I do not remember who said it, he said if you want to know how hard is it to change some one, just try to change one thing in your self and I sore this open minding and yet Channing quote, he is stating the fact and daring you to try it, and in that sense if every one living just changed one bad thing he thinks of him self, what an amazing world we will be living in, and again he is Telly you by exercise that you can not change other people and you have to accept them the way you are, I read it years ago, and it still blows my mind till now!
It is hard because it is hard to change any thing you get used me, do you know how many times I have tried to quit smoking, and till now am still failing, I guess the abuse had nothing to do with that, I started smoking at 22. The the high ten dance for substance abuse I had with alcohols and hash was decently from my child abuse, and I could easily quit just whenever I wanted, I have not drink alcohol for 2years now, and I have been quoting hash for a week now, and dos not judge me, I used to smoke only hash mixed cigarets for a year now, and I just woke up one day, I do not wanna do it any more, what can you say about that? I guess the human mind is not that easy to understand!
Again, as an I tail part of a healing process, one has to stop seeing him/her self as a victim, but to be proud of being a survivor, I sometimes think how amazing I am when I think of the all the suffering I have endured and am still her safe and sound, I have surly thought plenty of hurting my self, but I have never attempted to do so!
You can say it that I consider more than unjust to pass the violence to others, but am still proud that I can just count the events of acting violent by one hand, if I have not witnes it before it could have been much worse.
But I actually was wondering her what would drive someone to accept that violence, and not react to get relive from justice and live with that pain, when I talked about these two kids, we were apron the same age, so why did the fear me or fear to ask for justice. I guess I would feel better if I was punished in specifically these two events!
I admire you mentioning your sufferings and dealing with them, keep it up 😉
I guess I will make a habit from it, posting here!
ParticipantHi Anita,
I just wish I could show at the moment the short story I written about my dad, but unfortunately it is in Arabic, I said I’ll translate it one day, but it is yet to come and I promise you that you will read it one day!
things are not as such as simple as you putit, its much much much more complicated, and I have thought about it more than you have imagined, the things that I have endured are what made me the man I am now, the man who can live his life the way he want, the man that people would look at and say how you get the courage just to do what ever you want, you missed a very important part, “pain can be endured.. Pain is a bliss”, sure I had my downs and they were plenty, but as much as I hate them I also have all the respect of the events that shaped me, and you can even call me delusional to tell you that I still believe that all that was for nothing, it will be the drive for something greater, even if I donot know what that shit is yet 🙂And all what you have read about me in these tow topics is just the tip of the iceberg!
But I have to say here that mentioning a toy in that verse was a bit vague for me till you mentioned it, it did not represent any thing for me at the moment or even after I read the prose many times, I thought many times of changing that word, but I just wanted too keep it like that! The way you put it was amazing.
I guess it is not the beating that hurt you that much, the beating is momental, and the physical pain just goes away, but the concept that I have fought to understand that some one you love could have the capability to hurt you, and by growing up you learn that even if it was wrong, my father did not hate me, but if I can compare my all my suffering to his when he was the same age as I am now, I would not represent a single drop of rain in a thunder storm, may this is my way to forgive him, and sure he had not any right to do that, but I still Cary much respect of him. At least without him I would not have been there.
I do not hate weekenss as much as I can recognize it in other, I can just have a single look at one person pic and say if his smile was fake, or at least I think so, but believe I know people!
The abyss below, meant the emptiness I feel inside, and it being lowless, it is always starving for more, it just can’t get enough, and it being below, I just meant below my brain. And the paradox within, is my brain, it is falls in a way it never shuts up!Knowing one self is pardoned, is that you have to forgive your self for preceding it as a victim and not as a survivor, being the master of your self is the answer, it is only by mastering your mind you can live your life fully!
Tell what else do you want to ask about it, I enjoy talking to you and reading your posts regardless that I do not fully agree with them, I hope you don not understand me wrong here, I have always carved for a changing mind 😉
ParticipantFrom my point of view life would not have been worth living if it was not full of contradiction! How can you feel love if you does not feel hate, good and eivel are just the faces of the same coin, coins cannot have an engraved side and a blank side, or just I have not seen it yet, how can I enjoy relive if I have not experienced pain. I just like to see it that simple and it mostly put me at ease! On the other Borden human nature, what if I told you , you can only eat sweet food, how would you feel about, and even with all the variations of sweet foot, how long can you take it? And bare in mind, salt and sugar looked exactly the same and tastes totally different and you can not live without either of them, just as simple as that! this is just my opinion.
ParticipantI have only one thing to say about that, my believes and spirituality is the only thing that kept me form intentionally hurting my self, and I once was this close to stab my heart with my pocket knif which at the moment was beside my bed, and I was in this between awake and sleep state and I keep imagining it over and over for hours, to the state that I was afraid to move and that when my belives and spirituality tagged in. Any way I did not do it!