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Dear Shirley:
First questions:
1) What are the best knots and techniques to use when making a fishing net?
Learn to tie a square knot which is left over right, right over left. You can make a simple net by tying a series of strings on a poll and then pairing them off with square knots side by side. It is not fancy but it will work.
2) Where are the best places to position your nets for fish and game?
Position rocks in a small stream to funnel fish into your net. Game will not be caught in the net. You need to learn to make snares.
3) What are the different types of snares and traps or snaps that are relatively simple to make for catching animals?
Dead Fall is the most simple but not that effective. Follow up question for that answer: Do you have skills to gut and clean a rabbit
4) What are good supplies and tools to bring into the wild?
Three forms for starting a fire, a lighter, matches and a magnifying glass. A sharp knife, a tarp, a ceramic water filter.
5) What is a simple way to build a fire without matches or a lighter?
Magnifying glass.
6) Where can you get a hunting license?
Your local sporting goods store.
7) Are there any wilderness, fishing and hunting books or classes to go to to learn?
Yes. Look up your local hunting and fishing club. They may not have formal classes but they will have people that will help mentor you. Also, two books to look up: Stalking the Wild Asparagus and Survival with Style.