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I just want to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I felt the warm embraces in your words and every single time I have turned to the forum for great advice, I have received it like a cleansing, so thank you for that.

As for the ex, I did not acknowledge him at all. Im a very vocal person normally and will not be apprehensive to tell others how their actions have made me feel, but that’s only towards people who care for me. I don’t believe that his actions warranted any response from me, because he actually doesn’t care for me, and the pseudo-concern did not deserve any response, I feel. He doesn’t get to ask me a thing at all, and he is not entitled to even a single hello from me. I don’t owe him the high road. And not responding made me feel better.

I realized that underlying this post is not only the ex, but that it has more to do with how I perceive my failure and how that changes the perception I have of who I am. I also still do care so much about what he thinks about me which is why I allowed myself to feel like I “failed” and that is what I should be working on.

Thank you for reminding me that my destiny is far greater than the manipulation of failure has ever taught me. And that it happens. But that I shouldn’t allow it to define me. That “where you are is not who you are”.

It’s all part of the journey I guess.

Blessings and hugs