
Reply To: Thawing the Frozen Soul

HomeForumsEmotional MasteryThawing the Frozen SoulReply To: Thawing the Frozen Soul


Dear Gary:

Regarding Forum Guidelines, if you click FORUMS above and go to the bottom of that page, you will get to the guidelines. I don’t know who or why your thread was reported for inappropriate content. It often happens by mistake. In your original post you didn’t ask any question, so I didn’t respond. I wouldn’t worry about the reporting. Two of my posts were reported same in the past, by mistake.

Regarding your question: why… are emotions left unattended: when we are children and experience lots of fear and distress, we often dissociate, remove our emotions from our awareness. And so it becomes a way of being, emotions stay away from awareness, not attended by our awareness. The job of emotions is to motivate us to do what is effective for us to do, to survive and maybe thrive. But when a child/ person experiences too much fear (the most powerful emotion), all emotions go into hiding.

What is that “greater flame” you are referring to???

I wonder what is the purpose of your website, what are you trying to promote (the “greater flame?) I am curious.
