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Hi anita,
How are you getting along?
I have been very busy the last few days and I’m absolutely exhausted, so I will sleep like a baby tonight.
I know what you mean about the fear thing; so pointless (in most situations) and yet so hard to control. Control? Hell, it’s hard even to step outside it and observe it objectively, never mind control it. I have give some thought to why that is – especially since I am having some success in controlling my rage these days.
Fear and anger are different for me in that I become angry with a situation or person whereas something external creates/triggers my fear. This is possibly may be because I am further down the path with my anger than my fear and maybe one day I will get the fear under control too. I live in hope.
I’m finding it really helpful to talk to you about this stuff. Writing down my thoughts is very helpful. Firstly because I can see that I have already made quite a bit of progress along the path, and secondly because the very act of writing forces me to consider carefully both the feelings and the way I choose to describe them.
Thank you for listening.
All the best, eris