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Dear Shirley:
Thank you for the pink moon website.
And thank you much for what you wrote about me. You are very welcome and I am so glad I met you and am part of your life as I am glad you are part of my life.
You wrote: ” i realize that i may never be the smartest person, the most athletic, the most wealthy or the most whatever; but no of that matters to me. what matters is that i am learning to be at peace with myself”- this is wisdom that most people much older than you don’t know. In fact, the people in the restaurant, including your parents, who say your head is in the clouds, silly them: they are the ones with a cloudy view of reality. They are the ones who do not see clearly!
You wrote: “accepting things is easier than fighting them and causing more stress, accept them” which reminds me, i delved into the stress last night and slept very well, so thank you for the message!
You wrote: “when some people tell me that they are depressed, i feel bad for them (i’m empathetic), but i won’t let their depression get to me” I like this so very much. Remember it!
What a treat your posts have been for me tonight, a delight, much appreciated!
Till your next post, take good care of Amazing Shirley