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Hi Anita and Maria.
Thank you for your replies. I should get away from the computer now, and don’t have much time the next days, so I’ll reply later.
I need to think about this.
Maria, thank you for reminding me of that quote. I was actually just saying it myself a few days ago, when i was taling to someone on a phone helpline about my situation and my despair. It might be that this is the case for me as well, with the newspapers, that I want to keep up more with the world in order to look interesting, to look good enough, to be accepted by other people. And that it is still a way to not accept myself, and not allowing myself to do what I fits me more. I might have more relation whit spirituality, but never allow myself to explore it because that looks silly. Then it might work 2 ways, that I also have something to say to others that they don’t know about. I am very sensitive, and find it important in live to develop myself to learn to create more kindness and compassiong, and reading the news often makes me feel desperate and icecold, it’s too much to take it all in.
I will think about it, I might reply later. Thank you for your replies.
So do you guys not read the newspapers at all, or do you just follow the news very ‘lightly’, or…?