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Dear nickersd:
If you would like to share more so that I can gain some understanding:
How old is he, you?
How long did you know/ date him before getting married?
How long married?
How did he handle your post natal depression: how long did it last? How long ago did it end? Was he helpful then?
Was he helpful and supportive before? When did he become overwhelmed with your simplest, reasonable requests? If he was supportive and relatively calm at one time, when did the change occur?
Did you have a good communication in the past and that changed? Did he share with you his thoughts and feelings and then stopped?
What are his behaviors with your son? What kind of a father is he?
These are a lot of questions and I have more, but I stopped asking so to not be completely unreasonable myself. I will be back at the computer in 10 hours or so. If you answer any or all of these questions, I will read your post very attentively first thing tomorrow morning and reply there best I can.
Take care of yourself-