
Reply To: Too Criticizing of Myself

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Dear Shirley:

So you have the end of June, July and August before the final high school year, your 12 grade, as I understand it.

During the summer you will do science research, meditate… probably continuing a moderate (notice: moderate!) exercise, walks in nature, socializing with your special friend and his girlfriend/ your friend; maybe meet up with Dave and Andrew; maybe Steve your lunch buddy. And there is your online class and meditation program.

What a lovely meditation with your spirit guide Archangel Raphael, resulting in you opening your eyes “filled with a new sense of purpose and vitality.”

And don’t forget to keep yourself as calm as possible, being as laid back as possible. Do whatever it takes to keep your stress level as low as can be, through meditation, mindfulness, spending time outside in nature, walks, maybe calming music and.. asserting yourself with your patents so that they leave you alone to just be.

Till your next post, take good care of yourself.
