
Reply To: Too Criticizing of Myself

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Dear Shirley:

I am back and I read your posts. Regarding the first: the physical beauty and thinness of women- it was only a few days ago that I was sitting in a coffee place observing people. There was a group of young people sitting together. One of the young women was very engaged and engaging. Her facial expressions were varied and ongoing, she was listening and talking, engaged, seems to not be self conscious and she was not particularly pretty. There was another young woman in the group and she was exceptionally pretty: very big eyes and amazing facial bone structure that pronounced her huge eyes. She looked physically beautiful and was thin. I thought to myself: does she know how beautiful she looks? I almost wanted to tell her because observing her, it seemed like she didn’t know. Unlike the other woman she was not engaged, seemed self conscious, seemed she was pretending to be listening, smiling from time to time, but not engaged. Seems she was not herself, not spontaneous, as if she was hiding and pretending, trying to appear “normal” but felt she didn’t belong.

And this is my point: it is not only that physical beauty fades, as you indicated. A whole lot of the time, the women possessing the physical beauty are not happy and their physical beauty does not benefit them, not for the long run at the least (maybe here and there).

The Inner Bully does not discriminate; either does anxiety.

I share your sentiment: ” i love how all the sciences interconnect and also the maths, it’s amazing.” It really is!

Should rain here Sunday, looking forward to it. Looking forward to winter, really!
