
Reply To: Hate my life and feeling hopeless

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Hi Carly!
I have been suffering from depression for the past 2 years as well, with the severity of it varying. It is only now that I have started to come out of it that I even realized I was depressed. I am no where near out of it completely but I can tell you the things that have helped:
1) there were situations that were/are bringing a lot of negativity into my life. I’ve been trying to change the situations I can, and tweak the situations I cant. Maybe discussing your triggers with your therapist and figuring out ways around them may help?
2) guilt is also a symptom of depression, and it is important to remind yourself of that when it feels like guilt is weighing you down. Just because you feel guilty about something does not mean you were at fault. What helps me right now is to remind myself that maybe I am not in the best frame of mind to be objective and fair to myself.
3) sometimes we do need medication to even get to the point where we are in the right frame of mind for therapy to help. It is definitely something you should discuss with your therapist or another competent practitioner. maybe the right approach for you is a combination of therapy and medicine.