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Dear Shirley, Earth Angel:
You are a good writer, I believe and your imagination takes you and the reader to incredible places, places of beauty, inspiration and wisdom.
Like you wrote a few posts ago, imagination has no limits.
I want to make a point to you about limitations and the inner bully: we are limited: we can imagine flying, for example, but once we jump up in the air, gravity will get us down every single time.
When you study in school, sometimes you have a difficulty understanding a particular topic. This means your ability to understand that topic is at the least temporarily limited. This will always be the case: you can imagine achieving anything, but in real life, you do have limitations. I do. Everyone does.
I call the inner bully a bully because he/ she is abusive. But it will be a mistake to think that if it wasn’t for the inner bully you will be having no limitations.
We do need an Inner Critic, otherwise known as the Superego (Frued)- a part of our brain that is aware of our limitations but does not ABUSE us or BULLIES us because of these limitations.
When you encounter a limitation, a difficulty, like not understanding (at east temporarily) a subject matter at school, or not doing well in sports in one area- accept that it is so for everyone. Accept it and treat yourself gently and patiently. Say to yourself: everyone is limited, temporarily at the least. It is natural and normal, a fact of life. It is not a reason to be mean to myself. What I need to do is be patient and gentle with myself and do my best within my limitations, but stretch my abilities best I can.
I hope I am making my point: accepting your limitations with gentleness and patience toward yourself and not abusively.
Do you understand my point and what are your thoughts?