
Reply To: Relationship grief

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I think the replies are bang on, yes he did know my financial situation when we married , it became an issue when he couldn’t buy bikes or go on skiing holidays , all these were trips he planned on his own btw
And yes I agree, he text me the other day saying I am enjoying it being on my own but I do really miss you ?
He wants cake and eat it
He’s had therapy regarding childhood issues so this is a big thing for him , he is prob suffering in some way too I would imagine
The anxiety is something I’ve had all my life , off and on but worse when stressed . I have discovered Claire weekes who has helped a lot , it’s just breaking out the adrenaline cycle which is so hard – this is a separate issue which is taking my priority
I really really love that advice Anita about doing one thing st a time , I’m on the floor today mentally , but I’ve just been food shopping . I will congratulate myself for doing these things instead of constant,y thinking I’m a mess and useless
I have sorted house, mortgage, new house , look after a cat, 2 rescue dogs ( one whose Ill) I have a job , teenage son at home and still manage to put makeup on most days lol