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Anita, what I meant was that I did not miss the irony of the fact that I probably contributed to his ability to have a relationship with the woman I wanted to. Hurts to see her look at him the way she used to look at me. I got a file that he was supposed to handle plopped back on my desk as something he didn’t want to address.
Kath mentioned resentfulness. A big part of it is that after a while, it it gets old being the go-to guy all the time when various promises were made about spreading out workload. At first, it felt good being sought after; now I am seeing how much of my life got wasted while others were out doing what they wanted to.
Have started to take steps to improve the time in office issue. For the first time in a long time, I told folks that I didn’t have time to meet with them today.
There is one woman who does show interest in me. She is from a law enforcement family and does analytical chemistry.