
Reply To: Letting go of the past

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Hi Chris

When you feel the knot, rather than rejecting it or fearing it – consider accepting it. Hello old knot – you pain in the arse – you are back. I see you, I accept you are there, but you no longer define me. While you are not helpful and I don’t enjoy your presence, you remind me of who I don’t want to be anymore.

I know my past, but my past is not my future. Who I WAS then is not who I am now. Who I am NOW is the embryo of who I will be tomorrow.

In acceptance of your past – what you cannot change – you will find your peace. With attrition and in helping others, you will find hope. It’s not about re-balancing the scales and having to do as much “good” for others to balance the “bad” done previously, but it’s about you discovering and embracing the “new you” which is shedding the no-longer-required skin of the old you.

Today, I, Chris, made a small but positive difference in another human being’s life, and for today that is enough. Tomorrow I will worry about tomorrow, and about being the person I need to be tomorrow.

Be patient – peace takes time. As you trust yourself and the new you, the old you will lose power. Good luck.