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Thank You Anita & Peter!
Anita, I very much appreciate your quires in my original post. Validating ones needs as well as ones intentions I feel is important if they are to become part of a “social community”. Like many ES folk, I have recently read about we often find ourselves wondering if we really belong anywhere, which rationally I know to be nothing more than a negative thought brought about by my “sensitive nature”. Still there are times when the stimulus of people sharing their stories can become so overwhelming that I personally feel responsible, even though, again rationally I know I an not.
Defining the difference between “thought” and “feeling” in a contextual aspect is easy. Where as thought is an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. and feeling is an emotional state or reaction brought about by one or more of the human bodies senses (Sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell). My understanding of this, and please correct me if I am wrong, is when feelings generate an emotional thought in such a manor that these thoughts flood the mind and linger long after the stimulus (sensation) has been removed is where the story begins with ES people like my self.
Being ES, is not an illness, or a disability as much as it is a heighten sense of awareness. LOL, a so called “super power” if you will. Managing this “super power” is the challenge and I believe it needs a teacher. Although I have learned a great many things about my ES, being self taught, there are still a great many more I simply can not understand and therefore seek guidance.
My original self diagnosis pushed me toward a great many forums and even physiological therapies, however not really understanding what it was I was experiencing, I ended up in the wrong places making my ES come alive even more! So I have learned to be careful when approaching groups designed to assist people in life simply because, as an ES’er ones desire for assistance can be our Aconitum!
As there is no “illness” we are dealing with, there is no need for a cure! What I believe is required is an education in how to live a better life, a more productive life….and a more peaceful life as an ES’er. Certainly reading well crafted books is a start in understanding ES, but I am also certain, there are creative and positive experiences other ES’ers have that can be shared to assist their peers in reaching that goal of a great life……and that my Dear Anita is why I ask…..Is this a place for me?…..the answer I now believe is……It could be?….of course that’s my ES talking!