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Thanks for the kind words.
I believe in the beauty of this world even though it can seem ugly
I really like that!
For me this statement of belief is also a statement of faith, something to lean on in moments of doubt and those times when the world can appear ugly.
My own journey after asking the same questions about love and faith has lead me to work at being able to say Yes to Life as it is, all of it, the good the bad and the ugly and ‘know’ it as LOVE. I know that might sound at odds with many peoples expectation of love but for me that is has become a matter of faith.
Saying that it is important to recognize that we experience Love in many different ways, on many different “planes” if you will. The statement above is about the plane of universal LOVE. That in the end all we experience and are is and can only be Love.
Sorry if this feels like i’m jumping around
The same week I saw Collateral Beauty I saw La La Land and to me I see them as being connected. The first about the coming to terms with LOVE and the other with love in relationship that points to LOVE.
On the surface la la land appears as a old time Hollywood musical and with that I think the expectation of a typical Hollywood ending.
Two people meet fall in love, achieve there dreams and live together happy ever after. And the move shows a imagined version of that la la land dream but the story is deeper then that.
The two meet and discover authentic love, and we get a sense that they are ‘soul mates’. This experience of love enables both of them to achieve their dreams or you might say calling or becoming. Watching we want them to have the happy ever ending and to have it all, but for them to become they can’t be together.
Life it seems wants us to become and that this becoming overrides any notion of romantic love that at some level we may ache for, Even for ‘soul mates’. Love bitter sweet.
I imagine as the two characters return to their lives after their chance meeting latter in life that they understand and so say ‘Yes to life as it is’, Love bitter sweet, and because of that all the more wondrous.
Anyway it sounds to me that you have indeed set on the hero’s journey of self discovery and I suspect along the way will discoverer that much of what find was never what you might have dream you were looking for.
Love is their for you, the world beautiful, even when bitter sweet. Keep the faith
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T. S. Eliot
(And in that moment may you find yourself able to say YES. – that is my hope. Hope, Belief, Faith… Love)
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Peter.