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Thank you both so much for your advice and allowing me to view this from a different perspective. This move is definetly stressing him out and I completely understand his worry as he his risking a lot. I am in the process of interviewing for a position and will most likely start the new position within 2 weeks. This will allow me to stop stressing about immediate finances and begin the application process for our move. all of his worries are understandable my real issue lays in how he approached me. when we spoke this morning I expressed my plan to him and he apologized for handling the argument the way he did. We had the same exact conversation this morning as last night but it was handled without anger or accusations. He has anger issues and during arguments he tend to want to fight and attack verbally, I am not like that. His anger has been a point of discussion and is a trait of his he hates. How can we go about working on this? it is hard to stay up hours arguing when we could have discussed matters differently and progressively. I also understand my role in this as I stay up arguing with him.