
Reply To: Need suggestion to save a family

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Dear Cheryl:

You are welcome and thank you for your good wishes. Glad you will be posting back.

No matter what you do: stay where you are or move out, there will be some suffering on your part. It is, really, suffering either way. Living where you are, you suffer having to ask permission all your waking hours, like a prisoner, a woman who is not free. You suffer knowing this woman doesn’t know of your relations to the ma. You suffer being afraid of the child being angry at you. You suffer from guilt about being there AND about leaving.

If you leave, you will suffer loneliness, anxiety of being un-attached. You will worry… you will suffer.

Either way, there is suffering. But if you leave you have a CHANCE for a better life. If you stay, there is no hope.

See reality for what it is. The truth of what-is will set you free.
