
Reply To: How can I stop people pleasing?

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Dear Troy:

Interesting: your last two lines read to me like you being focused on what others will think of you if you express your likes, opinions, etc., not wanting others to think that you are a “me, me, me” kind of a person. This is in line with the theme of your thread-

sometime along the way, maybe starting in high school, you got deeper and deeper into the mindset that the way for you to make things happen in your life to your benefit, is to cause other people to make those things happen in your life. It is up to them, therefore, better please them, better… and getting deeper, you almost… become them.

There is a term: Locus of Control. People with External Locus of Control believe events in their lives derive primarily from other people’s actions, hence the focus is on other people, to the exclusion of self.

People with a strong Internal Locus of Control believe events in their life derive primarily from their own actions. A comfortable, centered, confident mindset follows this mindset.

Back to your question, how to present to others your likes, opinions, etc.- start small, one sentence. Then pause. If the other person asks you a question about what you just shared, answer it with one or two or so sentences. Take it from there. Most personal conversation between people should include all the  individuals in it.
