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Myles…WELCOME!!!! Like Joe, I am. not Buddhist either. But in my project of changing my way of thinking I associate myself more with a Buddhist philosophy. I do practice Kriya Yoga, the teachings of an amazing man, Paramanhasa Yogananda. As you have recognized this site is without kind enough words to describe. It is however, lacking something. It lacks shallowness, it lacks fake. Don’t frustrate yourself by trying to find those things. They simply are not here and shall never be here. The love here only grows and grows and grows. The people here, whether they are ones who come here to seek advise, or are the ones who offer advice, have a soul so deep with love and peace. I look forward to more of your posts. I wish you, and everyone else here, all the love, peace, and happiness that life has to offer for an eternity longer than a lifetime. It is the least that you deserve. And it is here that you shall find it.