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Hi Keith,
I’m sorry you are having to go through this. I see alot of red flags in your post. The first: once trust is broken, it is almost impossible to get it back. Resentment sets in, and you are left always doubting her, the relationship, whether she is with other men on “what’s App”. This builds and builds, it’s a vicious cycle and destroys a relationship.
The 2nd: the lying and manipulation on her part. Again, if you stayed with her, you would most likely not be happy in the long run, as she does not sound emotionally stable or available for a long term commitment.
3. You both seem to be long distance, relying on Social media as a form of communication. She enjoys the attention of other men on “What’s App”. It does not sound like she is going to change, wants to be in a stable, long term committed relationship. Only she can change if she truly wants, you can’t fix her, yo you deserve better, a stable loving woman who knows what she wants, who is healthy, honest and happy.