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Dear Anita, my nickname is Lisa, but not the same Lisa like the one you were replying to. I only came to this website by accident/chance. However, it really intrigued me, and hooked me sort of, because in reality, I was looking for my answers myself. At the moment, all I can say is, that although I don’t really know everything about what this website is and its function, I have seen that you respond to lots of people, and give them lots of good advice. At the moment, although am very very confused myself, I would simply like to thank-you for what you do. As I said, I don’t know the exact purpose of this site, but I do know what it feels to feel burdened and alone, and you seem to be helping lots of people. I thank-you from the bottom of my heart. You have given me some faith in humanity and in the purpose of this life. I once used to be a very very enthiusiastic girl, who seeked happiness in helping others, and like you, I used to make it a mission in loving and helping others. I still do, though I find it difficult due to the burdens and weights I feel. Besides, I am still very young and do not know many things, and although I love my family, I cant always open up with them, because although they will listen, they do not always understand. I am in a state where from one point, I would like to find the purpose of this life, and myself in it, but on the other-hand I feel afraid of what that might be. You know, once I always thought that my purpose was something (was very young) and I just prayed to God, to do not give me that purpose. Perhaps I was childish, and I just let it get to my mind without really being of any substance. However, I was never really a child, I always was too much mature, too mature, that I never knew how to play, sort of, I was always intrigued (from as long as I can remember) of how things happen and why. Instead of playing, I was always intrigued in what the people were doing, what they were feeling, and why. I was always too mature, and it brought lots of stress at times, because you ll have lots of questions which you have no answers for. Last but not least, I am in a point where I will almost graduate – the last bit, and lots of other major important things in my life, all in one basket. So, my attention is on these things, even if I have other things on my mind. I am just trying to focus on things one at a time. The thing which I feel is carrying me around – or I carrying it – is fear.. for everything sort of .. fear of change, of new things, of old ones, of the unknown and the things which I do know about. Perhaps this is life, or perhaps this is what everyone will endure when he puts thoughts into what s/he is doing. As in, at one point, all of us question our lives right? Wishing you all the best xxxx Love & Happiness xxx