
Reply To: Feeling stuck and unhappy with my relationship

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Alright Brooke,

I’m gonna give it to you straight from a guy’s perspective.

He’s not serious about you and probably never was. You are probably great eye candy for him and he can probably brag about his hot girlfriend to his friends and blah blah blah. Listen, this dude is neeeehhhever gonna propose or actually marry you. No matter how much you pressure him to make a real move instead of words, he will always dodge it and find a way to weasel out of it and make it your fault.

I’m just some guy on the internet so take my opinion for what it’s worth, but Brooke, since you’re attractive, go out and find a winner who will put a ring on it. I’m sure it won’t be hard to find a great guy who makes you laugh and doesn’t act like a brat. Please, save yourself some time, and break up with this bum. No matter what excuse or clever phrase he uses, break up with him. If you stick to your guns and break this relationship, he may actually respect you for once. You’re worth more than that.