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* What an excellent post by lost_star, if I may say so!
Dear Mina:
Excellent insight, I say. You must have been calm when you wrote the above. On the other hand, the post yesterday, about you being an awful person- you must have been distressed when you wrote that one. We think best when we are calm.
You are very meticulous, careful about details (regarding #1). His comment about using mental illness as an excuse came from someplace, from previous thought, private thoughts he did not share.
You wrote: “Being perfect is the ultimate goal. Being respected in another goal. Being successful isn’t a question, it is the answer.”- these teachings by parents to their children lead to the children, minor and adults, to be overwhelmed. And even when financial and professional success is achieved (when it is, many don’t make it there, isn’t it so..), many are not content and still suffer, like you can attest to.
It would have been such a good thing if indeed you could help struggling others. But before you will be in that position to help, if such was at all possible for you, in the society you live in, you need to stay calm so that you can think as well as you were thinking when you posted this last post.