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Feeling Bad for Bad, feeling guilty for feeling guilty… I get it and it a lousy loop to get stuck in.
The first step is stop. Stop by noticing that feeling bad abut feeling bad, guilty for feeling bad can only dig the hole deeper.
Your feelings are valid. You matter, Your feelings matter. You don’t have to apologize for how you feel. Feelings are information that can help you respond to a situation vice react to it. You don’t have to wield your feelings like a sword, you hurt me so I will hurt you… but can use them to understand who you are and what you need.
You have had a lot of shocks to the system and it is reasonable for you to ask for and take time to sort though them. A professional could really help. There is no shame in asking for help.
I wish you all the best
The Law of Attraction requires authenticity, to they own self be true, so if your unhappy, your unhappy… add to that the difficulty in knowing our authentic selves. Its to easy to fall down the rabbit hole with the philosophy of LOA so would not spend much time thinking about it. Just be you, as best as you can be.