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Hi Archum123,
You were alone and doing fine before you met him, and you will be alone and find if you leave him. Just because you will be alone for a while and maybe a little lonely, take this opportunity to do good things for yourself. Learn to love yourself. Develop some outside interests and hobbies. Men like women who are independent and happy. You can’t expect a man to “complete” you. Look for happiness within you, not with a man or being in a relationship. Work on some goals, take some classes, do something you have always wanted to do, but have never done. Go hiking, travel, enjoy life without a man. When this happens, you will find yourself growing and maturing. When men see you are happy and fulfilled the healthy ones will gravitate toward you.
You found this man. But it is a toxic and very unhealthy relationship. It’s probably best to part ways. You don’t have to be “alone” forever. You deserve to be in a loving and healthy relationship with an emotionally available man who can love. First start by loving yourself, and good things will start to happen.