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A friend of mine once told me of her classroom pet, a hedgehog named Lychee, and how it took a good 15 minutes to get him to relax after class. This concept seems to be my way, however I can sense through my empathy when someone is digging through my past in an attempt to dissect a dream that wasn’t theirs to understand. In truth I’m relaxed, and get prickly when I understand everything is pointed at me simply out of curiosity. I see an each of my life in front of my eyes, and it holds a frightening understanding. For me, paranoia seems to travel through my life backwards till an understanding is reached.

Completely turned around, the whole concept reveals my dream for what it was, a twisting of what was perceived. I worried I wouldn’t see my love again, and in doing so I missed my chance. My dream, fits together so perfectly and uniformly that I have a hard time understanding why I had two dreams at the same time, and what I experience, and see on a daily basis. My love is still there, and at times I can almost sense the tears well up in her eyes as she begins to understand. Every time I think of her I see the tears, and it tears me up inside. A cruel dream brought about by hate, and a desire to control an unknown idea.

My friend would understand my hesitation, and my love would cry if she knew why I hesitate. She seems too good to be true which caused a ravenous interest in those around me. Their question, what finally caused me to stir, and why? I can only see what I know to be true, and to honour these two ladies I must wait till I can soften my heart to calm their tears. I never would have thought I would so easily read lips, or get whipped. I know I’m probably starting to sound obsessed, and need to let things be. However I think I’ll stay quiet for a while with this comment.

Life is strange, and getting stranger. I want her to know I want to be there, but my path is taking me in a direction that may take some time to get back to her. Unless, however she wants to follow me down this unknown trail I seem to be conserving. My eye is set on helping those that feel trapped by what holds them back.