
Reply To: Feeling stuck

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Hi L99,

It’s hard to say, because on one hand, she says she loves she loves this other man, and when someone is in love, fighting for them, is almost useless unfortunately. However, some time has passed, and she may no longer be with this man. She did try to reach out to you. I believe she wanted more than frienship, because you can’t just be “friends” with someone after four years. Also when she said “forget it” seems to me, she was expressing some type of disapointment with not being contacted, so the feelings may still be there.

Just be careful if you do get back with her because she hurt you deeply and she can do it again. One day out of the blue, she may say she is seeing another man, meaning she is not emotionally available for a committed relationship at this time. It wouldn’t hurt to ask her out for a drink or coffee and see how things play out. I hope it all works out.