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Hi NightFlower,
This doesn’t have to do with you so much as he hasn’t had any freedom since he was fifteen. (And who is truly free at fifteen?) It is probably a quarter-life crisis of some sort. He woke up one day, panicked, and thought, “This is my chance to fly free as a bird, I’ve never done this before!!” Part of travelling, adventuring, and being a free spirit is not to calculate anything in advance. Words and phrases such as “plan”, “check with my girlfriend” and “schedule” is the antithesis of what he needs right now.
Now, let’s say it is you in that subconsciously he just wants to get away. You’ve got to understand that in their twenties (if he’s older I don’t have an excuse for him LOL) men are “building their nest”. We women “seek their nest”. But you have to give the guy time to build his. His nest isn’t ready for you yet.
I say let him travel, don’t bring up words like “commitment”, etc. and go on adventures of your own.