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These are not questions that are first dates per say because unfortunately dating nowadays is a fake. So real questions come way later in the game. It’s a game!
Regarding when I am free, I have been told that with men you should be vague and say I am available on Tuesday. Not give too many details. Do you agree ?
virgin question – here’s the funny thing. No one asks me that. I just feel the need to explain. So we can remove that all together ! I don’t have to say anything
side note: just video chatted my father. Bc I tend to want to sometimes. Let me explain the convo briefly.
Showing them puppy. Dad watching me fill the puppy’s bin up with food for storage. They then start telling me to buy this one indian food product because it is really good etc. and my dad said “yes it’s the best”. My mother in the background with her horrible baby voice that my sister and I now find creepy or scary states (whiny voice) – “oh don’t say that. Mommy makes a really good one”
My dad then continues to tell me about how I need to look at my car statements etc. finance stuff. My mom is in the back. She says “while you’re filling the bin make sure you also give him some pebbles. Look how sad he looks in the back” my dad immediately says “she is giving it to him”
i then explain how the new day care my puppy goes to has this one dog that was thrown out of a running car. I am explaining how sad the story is and how traumatized the poor dog is. He wouldn’t let me pet him or anything. My dads response “so is the new day car good and everything? How many other dogs”
my mom then says “do you wanna see the clothes I’m wearing today to the movie? (Like a child). And then proceeds to show me the outfit and explains it as if she is the elite fashion queen. I couldn’t help but smile and think of my sister. Oh how we would make fun of this one.