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Hi Louise,
I’m facing a similar situation as you. I too have had chronic health problems, one that I have upcoming surgery for on Tuesday. This has put me on Social Security Disability. I lost my Dad when I filed for it, we were very close, he was my only family, who did not turn on me. But he passed in 2008. He helped me out financially. I always tried to pay him back, but he was a Harvard Graduate, very wealthy and successful. Sadly, I did not receive the trust fund he said he set up for me. I was told by his two sons (who never talked to me).. That it was not funded. I find this hard to believe. My father has never lied to me. I had no money, as I was at the time filing for SSDI, I could not even go hold his hand at the hospital in Florida. I did not get a chance to tell him I loved him. I was not invited to his funeral, my family knew I had no money and they abandoned me. I was not invited to the reading of his Will.
The friends I thought were my true friends, stopped calling me after I lost my car and had to move in to housing. I was doing volunteer work for awhile rescuing animals, but the health problems got so bad, I could no longer do that. The friends I made there no longer call me or visit me. I have lost a lot of weight, and people here at housing avoid me or say derogatory things to my face about my weight. The only thing I am able to do now is have weekly phone sessions with my therapist. I know what it is like to feel talked about, betrayed, abandoned, alone, no friends or family. But what I tell myself is “this too shall pass! Satan! Go away! Jesus loves me! I will not let you steal my joy! And somehow, it works. Everything happens for a reason, and that man and the other friend, their comments have nothing to do with you, but coming from sounds from inside them. They are not happy. Hurt people, hurt people. Don’t let these people steal your joy. They are hurting. Next time, if you ever see them, say “instead of feeling sorry for me, feel sorry for yourself instead” and just move right along.
I believe in Karma. One day these very same people will lose their family, maybe their jobs and friends and health, and they too will have no One. God will take care of them to make sure Karma happens. One day, no One will be there for them and they will realise and regret what they said about you. Because if they are saying this about you, chances are, they are spreading gossip about other people as well. Feel sympathy for them, that they have no heart and be so shallow. Look for support groups you can join, with people with similar interests. There are good people out there. Don’t let a few bad eggs spoil the bunch. x