
Reply To: Ashamed at my online/offline behaviour…

HomeForumsShare Your TruthAshamed at my online/offline behaviour…Reply To: Ashamed at my online/offline behaviour…


Dear AutumnGlow:

Yes, I can relate, you are far from being alone in this. I am tired at this point and ready to get away from the computer but I wish you felt better, that other members responded to you. It is difficult for me to share about the topic, to elaborate on what I meant by wishing I understood before what I learned later. It is difficult for the same reason you titled your thread “Ashamed..”

Shame is a difficult experience. What woman wants to talk about being used sexually when looking for love. The disappointment and humiliation is intense. I suppose you can figure what I mean in that statement after all. I hope to read more from you when I am back to the computer in about fifteen hours. Please be good  to yourself.
