
Reply To: Trying to get over a fling

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Dear Feathering:

Regarding your criticism: “You create a false dichotomy: there could be many reasons why he might not reply or read my message. It isn’t reducible to either/ or of two options… such black and white  thinking”

This criticism was  about my following input: “if he was  definitely aware that you messaged him, seeing that there is an unopened message from you, and if he was  not terribly busy with work or some emergency, having to attend to  something else, then he saw that you messaged him but didn’t bother to  open and read it. If he saw it repeatedly, was  not busy, but chose to not read it, what does it mean? 1. He is not  interested… 2. He  is interested but wants to punish you”

In this input I suggested more than  two possibilities that I did not number, so it appears like only two options 1 and 2, but there are other options I listed following the “ifs”: that he wasn’t aware that you messaged him (“if he was definitely aware”), that he was terribly busy (if he  was not  terribly busy….”), that he saw your message once  and  forgot about it (“if he saw it repeatedly.. but chose to  not read it), so you see, there  are 5 possibilities that I listed  in that one paragraph to you.

I do realize now that I should have asked you if you think of other possibilities that didn’t occur to  me. I am here on the website to  learn so I am making a mental note to myself to ask the original poster in they future for possibilities that didn’t occur to me.

Regarding you being  so very distressed  by my  input  which I quoted in my second paragraph in this post, I choose to withdraw from your thread, to no longer post to you here or on any other thread. Without further input by me to you,  there is  no chance of your distress happening again, not in relation to a post by me to you.

There are other members and you have already communicated with them. I hope you have better experiences in the future with other members and I wish you well.
