
Reply To: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up

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That’s great you got to change this week’s session. Also, great to hear things are going well with your ex. Keep up the therapy to help you process the work in progress and hopefully it’ll be a bright and positive new year for you!!

It’s natural to be apprehensive but as time goes on and ye settle into the relationship, hopefully that will start to disappear.

The fact that the job and your hard work has made independence and achievement possible for you on your own is wonderful. No matter what, no one can take that away from you and that’s a great feeling!

Yesterday was a good day. Lunch, shopping, afternoon tea and spa! Oh and a table quiz I got invited to at the last minute with 3 new people. It definitely took my mind off things for a few hours.

However, woke again this morning feeling rubbish! Stupid mornings! I always was to reconcile with him in the mornings and then when it gets to evening time- a more appropriate time to contact him- the feeling is not as strong or else I just get scared.

My friend at the spa said yesterday that she finds it so infuriating because she thinks we were perfect for each other. Which makes a chance from the rhetoric of everyone else of late. I haven’t seen this friend in a while so it was a surprise to hear comments such as that. She feels that the problem was that he couldn’t acknowledge that he loved me. She says he clearly did but to acknowledge that meant steps he wasn’t willing to take. It made me feel better to hear it in that way, but then I started getting anxious that I was taking the comments to mean there was some hope. Talk about overthinking!!!

Im off with my sister today for our overnight stay in a different part of the country. She has a work event and I’ll be alone a bit but I’m hoping I’ll embrace the alone time and not be scared of it.

Let me know how today’s work day goes! Good luck!