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The evening went okay I guess. I feel drained from entertaining all of the oh so important investors etc. I was having an alright evening until reality caught up with me and I saw one of my friends from college proposed to his girlfriend.. Again, extremely happy for them, I truly am. The way he did it too, he took on her daughter as his own (she’s about 4) and asked the little one for permission to marry her mummy and also bought her a necklace with a ring around it to make her feel involved. My heart melted and I just thought to myself what an amazing guy! Men like that really do exist.. why is it just not in my destiny to come across someone like that?! Why am I continuing to waste my time on someone who would never in a million years do anything similar for me?!

I’ve realised news like this is always bitter sweet for me now.

Im glad your enjoying your evening, I’m going to grab an alcoholic drink too and just relax! Or try to anyway… life is just a little shitty today!