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Dear Janus, Earth Angel:
Wikipedia, I learned this very morning, has lots, long entries on transgenders, three of those are titled: “Transgenders”, “Transgender history” and “History of transgender people in the United States”.
I wasn’t aware, didn’t know that the transgender history goes as early as the beginning of human society, long before modern history, anywhere and everywhere on the face of this earth. I also understand better that indeed gender identity is separate and independent of sexual orientation. I knew this before, but seeing the statistics verifies it for me. Transgenders existed long, long before any activism and before any advances in medicine. Gender Identity really is a spectrum issue and has been so from the beginning of human history.
I clearly see the difference between biological sex and gender identity.
I want to point out the following quote from “Transgenders”:
“Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria, and some seek medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, or psychotherapy. Not all transgender people desire these treatments… Since the 1990s, transsexual has generally been used to describe the subset of transgender people who desire to transition permanently to the gender with which they identify and who seek medical assistance with this.”
This means that not all transgenders experience gender dysphoria (news to me), and that not all transgenders desire medical transitioning, even if they can afford it.
Another quote: “Most mental health professionals recommend therapy for internal conflicts about gender identity or discomfort in an assigned gender role, especially if one desires to transition. People who experience discord between their gender and the expectations of others or whose gender identity conflicts with their body may benefit by talking through their feelings in depth”-
what I italicized is what I see as true to you, being so very concerned with “the expectations of others”. So, my understanding at this point is that the main challenge in front of you is not that you are transgender, but that you suffer from gender dysphoria.
I also read elsewhere regarding the chest binder is that the right sport bra is a much better option (??)
Back to gender dysphoria: not all transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria. I imagine lots do. You are one of many. This is why therapy, I suppose more therapy than what you already had is a very good idea, sometime in the future if not very soon. The medical transitioning is such a serious matter, that better have adequate therapy, explore all that needs to be explored at depth before embarking on such a drastic physical transformation that requires lifetime medical intervention, or upkeep if everything goes well, assuming I understand correctly.
Wow, what an eye opening morning.