
Reply To: How to be more accepting of people that I have a strained relationship with?

HomeForumsEmotional MasteryHow to be more accepting of people that I have a strained relationship with?Reply To: How to be more accepting of people that I have a strained relationship with?


Hi Mark,

I didn’t want to dig up all of the issues because I really do want to move on.  The main issue preventing me from moving on I think is my emotional mastery.  Whenever I see my MIL, my behaviour has become a habit of passive-agressive behaviour.  I will say hello when I see her (for example when I’m with my partner) and goodbye when we part, but I can rarely muster up anything more than that.

To provide some context … I have feel that my words are often manipulated.  My side of the family are excluded – she is usually rude when she meets them.  If she asks me a question for example how is my day, after about 15 seconds her face goes blank and she seems to ignore me.  She interrupts in conversations, by answering questions directed at others even when I prefix the question with the intended recipient’s name.  I have been undermined with rules I try to set for my kids.  She manipulates my partner and her adult brothers and sisters to guilt them into spending time or doing things with her.  She seems to always want to be the center of attention.  I could go on and on, but these things have finally led me to the strategy where I minimise my conversation with her and therefore minimise opportunities for being attacked.  I have confirmed through other family members that they have experienced some of the above behaviour’s too.  I have investigated the behaviours and I think some of the traits are narcissistic.

I really do want to focus on moving forward because my reactions are making me the person seen to be doing all the wrong.  Even though I am quite well educated, I’m not quick thinking in verbal communication, so I’m usually unable to assertively react to events/comments when they happen so I tend to stew on them afterwards.  I have, however, started putting together a list of assertive responses for typical situations so that I’m ready to handle things ‘nicely’.

Boundaries are unspoken (my partner is too scared to say ‘no’ to her mum – she will usually put her mum’s wishes before mine) and therefore boundaries seem to just result from my behaviour.  For example, I have made MIL feel uncomfortable so she doesn’t turn up unannounced and she has even rejected invitations for coming around when asked by my partner.

I appreciate that if I become accepting of bad behaviour, it will feed the problem, but if I don’t start putting up and being nicer, my relationship with my partner is not going to survive.  Apart from these issues, my relationship with my partner is on the whole pretty good.

Thanks for listening!