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Hi all,
Sorry again for the absence. I always considered myself a good multitasker but honestly the past couple of weeks have tested my limits. The course I’m doing has such a big workload that I’m struggling to stay on top of it. My cousin who has been so supportive to me during trauma, fell down the stairs and broke her ankle and I haven’t even gotten a chance to visit her yet. Also, my friends mum passed away today after an illness, so yet another funeral to attend which makes me feel so sad at the moment.
I like my course, but at times I feel I’m not good enough and this evening I got a slap on the wrist as it were, for not presenting printed homework although I had a bundle of other homework to hand up. I’m not good with any type of giving out by people, I kind of retreat back into myself.
I did go away with my ex at the weekend and it was actually lovely. I booked one night away on the basis that he had to return to his family business to work but after the first night he asked for us to stay a second night as he did not need go home. We didn’t talk about anything serious, but when we got over the awkwardness of wondering was it a platonic trip he hugged me tightly and said he never meant to hurt me and that he has such high regard for me. I said I knew but nevertheless, it happened.
He said he doesn’t know what we’re doing and I admitted neither do I. Michelle, I don’t know what would make me make a decision to go back again either. I don’t know. I’m not naive, I can see the danger but yet, I can’t seem to let go of the desire to be with him. I don’t want to settle, I don’t think I can to be quite honest, so yes, I know where you think this might be going. Yet, I have no clue what to do. I’m still here. My head is blank.
Michelle- wow wow and wow. I’m so envious of your adventurous spirit and clear sense of self. Where you are sounds amazing and I hope you love Vietnam. Another one for the bucket list! I hope you’re have the most wonderful time.
Good on you girl!!!! Call that bluff!!! Even doing that is progress in some direction. I managed to get my ex to say he’d view places too but inevitable he’d find problems with the property or the area etc…..so definitely actions speak louder.
I agree with Michelle, getting things sorted now, while your family is still here is a better plan, rather than waiting until your foundation has been taken away before implementing big change. I too feel a little like Michelle that you don’t necessarily come across as peaceful & happy since having your ex around again. Indeed it does seem almost like a chore of the spirit now? But I understand what you mean about the security of it.
I hope everyone else is doing okay. Who knew the world is so full of broken hearts & spirits. I guess we only know when we’rein the same boat. But we can all paddle together & hopefully the tide will turn x