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Dear Cali Chica:
You believed what you were told before you had the ability to evaluate the information you were given. You were a wide-eyed girl who looked up to the all-powerful Mother in front of you and you believed her.
Now that you can evaluate things so well, you can not unearth that core belief and evaluate it. It is stuck in your brain in the form of multiple pathways in that flesh and blood brain. It is the patient building of new pathways, new experiences (thoughts + emotions) being recorded in new pathways that will make a difference.
It would have been wonderful and so much easier if we were fed with correct information as children and therefore our core beliefs would be such that would serve us, but it didn’t happen that way and hasn’t for millions of people. We now have a choice: to continue the same-old-same-old or create a new life experience. Which one is a better choice…?