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Youre telling me!!!! I was drinking tea at the time and nearly spat it out!

He literally booked it Sunday, to depart on tues! That’s the kind of person he is at times. He was saying that his brother was not having as good a time as he hoped while travelling because he finds it hard to meet people, so he was going over to help him enjoy it a bit more.

I explained that actually getting on a plane to the far side of the world after spending a weekend with me, kinda doesn’t exactly send a great message and he said he never even thought of it that way and that he hadn’t heard from me all week despite him initiating contact twice after the weekend, so he figured I wasn’t looking for anything more than that. Said he didn’t know what to do. I told him that picking up the phone and calling to discuss it, would solve a lot of questions and he admitted we need to communicate better.

Anyway, while I miss him, I have a little while now for it not to be at th forefront of my mind.

How is your trip going?