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Exactly – I love wandering around markets and even supermarkets when I’m away, easily spending ages guessing what the various things are, especially in the food sections. The mish mash of smells, colours is just totally fascinating. I think that’s a big part of why it’s so much easier to live in the moment when travelling, it’s not that you leave your issues at home but that there is so much that is different and interesting to absorb your brain that it’s relaxing without even trying. I love pretty much everything about travelling and will happily spend hours researching the trip before I go just because it’s fun, curled up on the sofa, glass of wine in hand and laptop in the other! It’s also a really good way for me to practice not always having to be in control – things don’t always work out how I planned/hoped/expected and so I’ve learnt (/learning still…!! ) to roll with it and accept it as is, go with it and you know what – it always works out fine, often even better! Just like life really… Do you have a list of places you want to see when you go to Aus, would really love to know what your plans are??
It’s good he contacted you, I’ll let him off a little then 😉 But yeah, game-playing never gets you anywhere – the more honest you are about what you want, however scary it is to be open & honest, exposing yourself to rejection – the better the communication between you guys will be. I’m still not convinced that getting back with him now is in your best long-term interests but so long as you are keeping up that balanced life, seeing friends and making your travel plans, I get why you want to go round the loop again.
Kkasxo m’dear – how are you doing today?? What have you been up to this weekend? Still here for you – hoping you guys are making sure it’s sunny for when I come back next week 🙂