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Anita- Thanks for writing it down so clearly. If his intention was nothing beyond sex, why did he keep saying that if all he wanted sex, it would be much simpler and he didn’t have to bring me home for that. On one of those nights, when we were getting intimate, he asked – “how can you not want something so beautiful?” (he meant the sex). To which I replied, I cannot until I am into something meaningful and serious. To which he responded- Like something really serious? That takes time. And physical intimacy is something that would take things to next level, which I did not agree to. Basically my questions are:
1. Why was he not clear with his intentions with me? When I said, I am looking for something meaningful, why did he not step back & raise his hand?
2. What changed things overnight? In the very beginning while he attempted to reach me and talk, it just stopped abruptly until I would reach out. Why?
3. Alright, may be it was all in my head and he was clear in his head about what he wanted. Even in that case, we did share lot of intimacy. As mutual respect, should this not end on a nicer note rather than just ghosting? I literally feel like a whore except that I wasn’t paid.
Please help me know if I should reach out to him just for closure. My rational mind does know it will further bring down my self esteem. But my urge for closure is shooting up with every passing day.