
Reply To: Self Trust

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Dear Cali Chica;

As humans we have the ability to imagine, so you imagine starting a business and succeeding and all that imagining takes a few minutes of glory and glitter. The overwhelm factor is the slowing down of reality, how so different reality is from fantasy, how much slower and … all the problems in the way that we didn’t imagine. The gap between the pleasure of imagining and the despair in trying to materialize the fantasy.

Well, imagine just this small thing: contacting an existing business and offering your contribution. Not much glory and glitter if they do respond positively to you. If they do, visit the place, it is not your business, not much fear there, get interested, see what they do right, what they do wrong, learn. Maybe in ten years you will have that glory and glitter, but that will be a long time from now. And from now to then, ten years from now, you will be too busy to fantasize, being too busy with the grinding reality of making it happen.
