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Dear Lisa:
My answer: if a man sees women as sexual objects (referring to women as “females” often indicates this view, as well as referring to women in more derogatory terms like b*&*)- then he wouldn’t be intimidated that his brother slept with the same woman.
Lots of men view women as sexual objects and lots of women go along with this view, accommodating it- referring to other women as “females” (or more derogatory terms), engaging in sexual relationships with those men who treat them as sexual objects (sometimes acting nice to their.. sexual objects, it is part of the deal).
Traditionally it is men who view women as sexual objects- that is the basis of the pornography industry. It is not a good feeling for a woman to be viewed this way, as a body meant for a man to use so to satisfy himself, then moving on to.. another female. Not a good feeling, I don’t think.