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I am replying to M.
I just broke up with my boyfriend. We were together for 4 years and 8 months.
At first, everything was wonderful. Then, when it became a relationship, things started to go downhill. After about two years, I started to lose feelings for him. It was a combination of things. We both had emotional, physical, financial, and mental things happen to us which caused us problems individually and as a couple.
Nevertheless, we stayed together. At the beginning, I could see a future with him but as time went on, I couldn’t. Whenever he would mention about moving in or getting married, I would feel terrified and claustrophobic. I tried to get out of seeing gim. When I did see him, I didn’t want to be intimate. I said, I love you but the feelings weren’t there.
I just broke up with him yesterday but I’m a wreck. I feel sad, guilty, regretful, and a whole mess of emotions. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just move in or get married like other people. Why do I feel like I do? He had his faults and so do I.
I keep wrestling with my decision. I like what Jon said about God. I try to leave it with God asking Him for His will in this situation knowing that if we are meant to be together, God will bring us back together some way.
So confused and upset right now. I could use advice, please.